Sunday, May 15, 2011

Brimfield: first impressions

Been back just about 6 hours now, but had to share these first few photos. In a word, W * O * W ...


  1. Looks like there was a lot of treasure! Funny enough, I've heard about those little donuts being a total highlight of the day for some people! Can't wait to see what you found!

  2. OMGosh!! I attended Brimfield in the 70's - I absolutely loved it!!! I would love to go back again - I am sure it is infinitely more intriguing!!!!!!!!I would need a U-Haul.....

  3. You ahd perfect New England Spring weather- you know that it ususally rains on Spring Brimfield right??? Love the jug- lokks like an orignal and of couse the bejeweled manniquin, so what did you get???????????????????????????????????????????????
