Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Feeling nostalgic

For those who don't know me, I'm a real sap. This weekend, I saw the new "Toy Story 3" movie and it got me feeling nostalgic for my old toys, especially my favorite old teddy bear. So I pulled him off a shelf and had him join me on the deck for a journaling session. Doesn't he look happy to be out and about?
Watching the movie reminded me that The Paper Flea Market and all my wonderful customers are doing a great service to all the old, neglected, forgotten and unwanted stuff out there. So on behalf of all those cast-offs, thanks everybody!

1 comment:

  1. Love this journal spread!!! I think that we are all going to go see the movie this afternoon. I will be sure to take some tissues- I would have been weepy right along with you, my friend.!!!
