Went to a sale yesterday and picked up a boatload of patterns from the 50s, 60s and 70s. And then today while I was organizing the garage (it *had* to be done), I found even more! Also found some of the little paper "fashion news" pamphlets they used to give out at the fabric store (I remember getting those when I'd go with my mom). Going to post them to the store in a little bit, but just couldn't wait to share! www.thepaperfleamarket.com
What a fabulous stash! you do have such a great eye for great stuff!!!! hterea re companies here that I ahve never heard of and I thought that I knew of most of the older ones!!! Glad that you ahd a cooler day to deal with the garage!!! Anytime that you feel so inclined you can always come down and deal with my organizational disaster!! Inviation is always open just come on down!!!! Hugs to you!!
Hello! I'm Trina and this is the blog for The Paper Flea Market (which is becoming Jubilee Flea next month!) My online store and studio specializes in paper + fun old stuff. In addition to being a shopkeeper, I'm an artist and paper enthusiast. I adore paper and old things and see potential in everything. My artwork includes greeting cards, art journals, mixed media pieces and clever handmade home decor, and has been published in "Country Living", "Somerset Life", "Art Journaling" and "Greencraft" magazines. My cards were included in the book "1000 Handmade Greetings" and can currently be found at specialty boutiques across the country. I also sell my work at pop-up boutiques and flea markets. Please contact me for show dates and locations and for wholesale card orders at thepaperfleamarket@yahoo.com
What a fabulous stash! you do have such a great eye for great stuff!!!! hterea re companies here that I ahve never heard of and I thought that I knew of most of the older ones!!! Glad that you ahd a cooler day to deal with the garage!!! Anytime that you feel so inclined you can always come down and deal with my organizational disaster!! Inviation is always open just come on down!!!! Hugs to you!!