Monday, October 4, 2010

A real horror story ...

When it comes to vintage treasures, the worst words I ever thought I could hear were "Oh, I just threw out a bunch of those last week." Until today. I've made a new friend who is supplying me with all the beautiful vintage wallpaper I've started posting. I'm very excited that I'll be working with her to get a lot more (so if you're a wallpaper junkie like me, stayed tuned!) Anyway, today we were talking and she told me her aunt, who has a wood-burning stove, was taking some of the old rolls (that she figured nobody would ever want) and BURNING them! Oh my gosh, my heart almost stopped! I'm grateful for the rolls I've gotten that are not charred! So anybody out there who thinks nobody will ever want that old paper junk you've got ... give me a call!
Pictured above is how I'm using some of the scraps in my journal ...


  1. Love what you have done here!!It is so hard to understand why some people don't understand us or our needs!!!!! The grandmother must be absolutely sick of looking at the rolls and wanting to clear out "clutter". Try not to think about it, if you can !!!

    Becca and I are coming up to GMU on Saturday for an evening concert. I am sure that I will be up during the week sometime soon and I will let you know ahead of time so perhaps we can get together!!

  2. I love this because I met a lady in a small WVA town who owned a vintage evrything kind of store. I asked her about paper items and smalls. I explained to her that I used them for various artistic projects. After buying quite a few things from her she then said, "You know my house was built in the 1700's and I am taking down layer upon layer of wallpaper. Would you be interested in them?" I guess the look on my face said "OMG, Heck yes!" because she giggled at me. SO she is saving all the pieces for the next time I come through town. SOOO excited to them in November..I'll have to share with you ;-)
