Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Wreath round-up

a ring of pink Peeps

Last week I was delighted to receive an email from the marketing director at Patience Brewster. (If that name sounds familiar, that’s probably because you’ve seen her clever, whimsical and imaginative work in the likes of the Neiman Marcus and Grandin Road catalogs.) Her ornaments are a favorite of mine.

She wrote that at Patience Brewster, they love their wreaths and that they like the idea of having a wreath on the front door year round - one for each season - and asked if I would be interested in sharing some of my favorite wreaths that I’ve made. 

So thank you, Patience Brewster, for being the inspiration behind this post. You’ve got my mind racing with even more ideas … like a quantity of *anything* on a wreath (woodland or circus animals, little shoes, butterflies, costume jewelry or anything sparkly, feathers, the alphabet or numbers). While you enjoy these, I’m off to look through my collections!

flowers + feathers made of paper

pink + green for Christmas 


fabric pumpkins for fall 

a wreath doesn't have to be round;
a section of black picket fence works well,
especially when paired with a garland of fresh gourds 

and as seen at one of my favorite haunts, 
how about a wreath made of burritos?!
 you really *can* use anything!
(i only wish i could take credit for this one)

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