Monday, September 27, 2010

Treasures from the Fair

I was completely blown away by the Country Living Fair in Columbus, Ohio! (That's me, rubbin' elbows with Sarah Gray Miller and Natalie Warady of Country Living magazine, Hillary and new friend Beth of Chick's Picks) The crowds, the shopping, the food goodies - all awesome! Some of my favorite vendors included Summer House NJ (; Home Girl ( and Thrifty Trixie ( I only had a limited time to shop, but managed to find some super good treasures!
My sweet little mother in front of the Home Girl booth ...
Trunks of wallpaper! (will be posting to the store soon)
This is Beth and she had a wonderful tale about her vintage parasol ... she was at the fair last year and complimented the young Asian woman who was carrying it. The young woman gave it to her, telling her that in her culture, if someone admires something of yours, you give it to them because you know it will be well cared for and that you will receive tenfold in return.
Teri of Thrifty Trixie -n- me. She makes the cutest dresses using vintage fabrics!


  1. What a blast for you!!! We need to catch up- you have been going places and I miss you!!! LOve the dress and the boots!!!! So good to see that your Mom joined you for the fun!!!
    And I can truely say that I knew you when.........
    Big hugs!!

  2. This looks so fun...but in the very first pic, everyone looks like they are literally going to get blown away! Was it windy?

  3. I'm so glad you had such a fun time! I'd love to get out to the CL fair someday. Don't find too much though. The first time I met you was at Art and Soul in Va. and I think you ended up w/ most of what was in my wallet! Much Love,
